F1554 Grade 105 Anchor Bolt Manufacturer in Northville, MI

F1554 Grade 105 has a minimum yield strength of 105ksi. This steel is a medium carbon alloy steel which has been quenched and tempered (heat treated). The heat treatment is what gives Grade 105 its strength.
F1554 Grade 105 anchor bolts can be manufactured in plain (black), mechanically galvanized, zinc or hot-dipped galvanized finishes, as well as (or along with) others as per your request. The act of galvanizing will not create hydrogen embrittlement. AA Anchor Bolt, Inc. works with various facilities for quality assurance and quick turnarounds
F1554 Grade 105 cannot be welded. F1554 Grade 105 develops its strength characteristics when it is quenched and tempered (heat treated). Welding or applying heat to F1554 Grade 105 material will change the mechanical properties of the anchor bolt. According to the Ninth edition of the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Steel Construction Manual (page 4-4). “Anchor bolt material that is quenched and tempered (heat treated) should not be welded or heated.”
Grade | Size | Tensile, ksi | Yield, Ksi, min | Yield, Mpa min | Elong .% min | RA % min |
105 | 1/4"-3" | 125 - 150 | 105 | 724 | 15 | 45 |
Grade | Size | Plain Nuts | Galvanized Nuts | Washers |
105 | 1/4” - 1-1/2” | A563D Hex1 | A563DH Heavy Hex1 | F436 |
105 | 1-5/8” – 3” | A563DH Heavy Hex1 | A563DH Heavy Hex1 | F436 |
*A563-D rarely available, A563DH or A194-2H can be substituted.